Monday, July 28, 2008

Note to self -

Life is short and sometimes sweet,
but oft we get distressed.
Throughout these times I must remind
myself that I am blessed.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Dream Last Night - Disunity

Last night I had a very strange dream. I am always happy when I can remember my dreams. I think God speaks to us through dreams more than we realize. I also feel like when I remember my dream, that my sleeping was more worthwhile. I wish I could remember this one better right now, but I will do my best here. In it, I was part of some Bible study group of sorts and really enjoyed all the people there and especially the leaders of it. I can't remember if in my dream it was my old Hope Group from Church, or something else, but I definitely had the same close connection with it as I did with my Hope Group. The problem in the dream was that there was this one guy in the group that was being really mean to me for no reason. I can't exactly remember how he was doing this or what he was acting like, since it was a dream and therefore not very realistic or direct, but it made me feel so bad that I did not enjoy being with the group anymore because of this one person. I woke up almost crying because of how it made me feel. I really believe that God gave me the dream to teach me about how people feel when they are in a situation where there is a quarrel or disagreement with someone else in the body. It was so sad, because in the dream, I let that one person completely push me away from intimacy with the group.

Another reason I think God gave me the dream was to teach me something about how some of the relationship problems my roommates have been having affects themselves and others. I think that there are many times that we allow for things between two people, big or small, to cause disunity in a group of believers or friends. I am glad that I was able to feel a degree of the pain that some of my friends have been going through recently so that I can better understand what they are going through. I pray that God will give me the wisdom and discipline to keep from ever being the person in my dream that shattered unity. I also ask Him for the perception to be able to tell when someone is feeling that way so that I can help comfort them. We were created for community with each other and with God. It is so sad that so often we allow for our problems and differences to become bigger than that fact, because it can damage the whole group. One part suffers...all parts suffer.

I guess I'll get back to studying now, but I just needed to write this down before I forget about it or something.
